Boyfriend broke my seal and fucked me hard

Friends, today I am going to tell you about my first sex, how my boyfriend broke my seal and fucked me hard. Friends, my name is Ashima and I am 19 years old and live in Delhi.

This happened a few months ago when I didn’t have a boyfriend.
I have a friend Pooja, whose boyfriend is Gaurav, she always used to tell me about Gaurav that today Gaurav did this, today Gaurav did that, today he inserted his cock in my pussy like this, pressed my breasts like this, after hearing all this I had also started feeling like getting fucked, so I had decided that now I will also make a boyfriend and get fucked by him.

I told Pooja that I am very keen to get fucked and I have never had sex till date, so please get me a boyfriend.

Pooja said just this, I will make you talk to Gaurav’s friend tomorrow itself. Next day Pooja and I went to the park, where Gaurav and his friend were also coming.

Gaurav’s friend’s name was Suraj and he was very smart looking. Pooja told me that Suraj is a very nice boy, please talk to him.

Suraj had also liked me, that day I and Suraj sat together for a long time and exchanged our numbers, since then we started talking a lot on the phone too.

Suraj used to talk to me lovingly for 1 to 2 hours every day that when you and I are together, I will do this and that with you, I will love you very much.

Hearing all this, I became very excited and I felt like getting fucked by Suraj quickly.

Many days passed like this, then Suraj’s birthday was about to come, so I asked Suraj, what gift do you want on your birthday?

Suraj said, will you give whatever I say?
I said yes, tell me what exactly do you want?
Suraj said, promise that you will not refuse me.
I told Suraj, I have a firm promise that I will not refuse.

Suraj said, I want your pussy, I want to fuck you to my heart’s content, I will fuck you the whole night, tell me, will you fuck me? Will you give me your pussy?
I was completely beside myself, I started feeling very shy, I started pretending in front of Suraj and I refused him.
Suraj said, now you have promised me, now you will have to give me this gift, I will fuck you the whole night.
I was feeling very shy then I told Suraj not to talk about all this, I am feeling very shy.

Friends, I also wanted to get fucked by Suraj but this was my first time that someone was talking to me like this, so I was very shy.

After 2 days it was Suraj’s birthday, on the day of his birthday Suraj took me to the hotel and there we celebrated Suraj’s birthday, ate and drank something.

After some time, Suraj came very close to me and said to me, now give me my gift…
Suraj suddenly started kissing my lips and I started stopping him and moved him away from me.

Suraj said what happened Ashima? Don’t you love me?
I replied, I love you very much Suraj, but all is not well right now.
Suraj said why is it not okay? Gaurav also takes puja daily, can’t you do this much for me, if you love me then you will not refuse me.

I didn’t say anything and I became silent, he understood from my silence that I was ready, then he started kissing my lips again. I started enjoying a lot.

After this he started kissing my neck and I started feeling a lot of tickling all over my body.

He took off all his clothes and after that he took off my clothes, he was now completely naked in front of me and I was in front of him in bra and panty.

I was scared after seeing his 7 inch thick penis because this was my first fuck and till now my pussy was virgin.

After that he started pressing my breasts over my bra, my breasts are quite big in size.
He then opened the hook of my bra and now my breasts were free in front of him.

He started sucking my nipples, and also started pressing my breasts vigorously, my entire pussy got wet from below and I was just lost in a different world.

After this he also opened my panty, now I was lying completely naked in front of him. He put his fingers in my pussy and started moving them in and out and I started moaning, “Aahhh ahh oh oh ohh ahh.”

After that he licked my pussy for a long time and drank all the juice from my pussy and now I was yearning to get fucked.Then he suddenly placed his penis on my pussy and with one stroke inserted his penis into my pussy and then I started screaming and I started feeling a lot of pain.

I started telling Suraj that I can’t do it anymore, I am feeling a lot of pain, Suraj said baby, everyone has pain in the beginning, don’t be afraid, after some time you will start enjoying…
Today I will break the seal of your pussy…

Then he inserted his penis inside me with one stroke and I felt a lot of pain, I started crying and asked him to stop but Suraj was not ready to stop, that day he broke the seal of my pussy and also started drawing blood from my pussy because it It was my first fuck.

After this he moved away from me and went to the bathroom and cleaned the blood.
After some time, Suraj started fucking me again and now he started fucking me very hard and my moans were echoing in the whole room “Aahhh ahh ahh ohh ohh ahhh”.
After this I also started enjoying a lot.

I was sitting on Suraj’s cock and getting thrusts in my pussy,
Suraj then lifted my legs on his shoulders and started pushing hard into my pussy.
After fucking continuously for an hour, both of us had ejaculated and then that day he fucked my pussy many times in one day. So friends, this is how my boyfriend Suraj broke the seal of my pussy. My awesome fuck.

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