I became a prostitute for money

Hello friends, my name is Kusum and I am from Jaipur. Right now I am 22 years old. If I tell you all about my figure, my size is 36-30-34. My boobs are full and ass is bulging. I am absolutely fair and my body is toned. I am full of sensuality and sexual desire and today I am sharing my true story with you all.

This story is from my college time when I had just started going to college. In college, all the boys used to roll their eyes after seeing my well-built body but I did not show any respect to anyone because I used to have a boyfriend at that time but I broke up with him after a few months. After the breakup, I started feeling very sad and lonely.I was not interested in studies and the heat inside my body was also eating me up. On top of that, the condition of my house was also not good and I was facing financial problems due to which I started feeling stressed.

One day, Nisha, a friend who studied with me in college, asked me, “Why are you so sad and silent these days?” So I started crying and told him the whole thing. Then he said, “Hey friend, you are sad over such a small thing. Look, the whole college is crazy for you. Every boy you look at will fall in love. And as far as money is concerned, I will tell you some tricks for that too tomorrow. Now don’t take tension, come with me to the canteen and have something.I said to her, “What will you do with the money? So she said, keep quiet now, I will tell you tomorrow. Then I said ok and we ate something from the canteen and came home.

That night, I sat alone at home and watched a porn movie and gradually I started getting horny and started feeling like having sex, my pussy became completely wet. There was a time when I used to get fucked by my boyfriend every day and today is the time when I am craving for cock and the fire in my body is just increasing and then that night I fucked my pussy with great force. The fingers went in and out and after a long time my pussy released water and then I fell asleep.

The next day when I met Nisha in college, I clearly told her that look friend, I can no longer tolerate the heat of my body and my pussy is on fire. Now I have to impress a dick, now you tell me on whom I should line up. So she said, “Hey, take it easy… at least have some patience.”

I said that I am no longer patient and on top of that, I am being worried about money. You tell me something….
So she said that there is a way by which the heat inside you will calm down and your money problems will also end.
I got excited and asked, “What is the way?” ,

Nisha said, “Look, you are young. You have a beautiful well shaped body, on top of that you are so fair. The whole college is crazy about you. God has created you with great care, so use this body, my love…. ,
I said, “I don’t understand anything… tell me clearly.”

Nisha said, “Look, I have not told this to anyone yet and you also do not tell anyone. I am friends with some boys from my college. Every second-third day I let them enjoy my pussy and in return they give me money. See, there are two benefits from this, firstly, my heat also goes away and I also get a lot of money. And I know that boy is crazy about you… he has also told me that if you are ready to get fucked by him. If you go, he is ready to pay you more money than me.”

I said “Don’t talk nonsense. You have gone crazy…. I am not a whore. I don’t want that kind of money and if someone comes to know about you tomorrow then imagine what will happen to your respect.”

She said, “Okay, don’t do it… but just think that he is ready to pay Rs 9000 a day and your fire will also be extinguished.”
I said “I don’t want to do anything.” And I came home.”
After coming home, I was wondering how anyone can waste Rs 9000 just on pussy. These boys must be from rich families who are just wasting money.

That night I thought a lot about what Nisha had said because I was facing financial problems and the fire in my body was increasing day by day, so I had decided that I would say yes to Nisha.

The next day when I saw Nisha in college, I greeted her but she did not respond to me. I immediately understood that he was angry with me over yesterday’s incident. Then during lunch time I went to him and told him I need to talk to him about something. So he said “Speak”
I apologized to him about what happened yesterday and said, “Man, I am very scared.”

I don’t have any money and I am also facing financial problems at home. I am ready to do everything. But don’t let anything go wrong. She said, “Pagli, you are my best friend and I will not put you in any problem. Don’t take any tension, everything will happen smoothly and nothing will happen without your consent.
I said ok. First let me see what kind of boy he is? She said, come and show me.

She took me to the college grounds where four tall boys were standing. The height of each boy would be about 6 feet. The bodies of all three were also looking very good and it seemed as if they were going to the gym every day. Now I was scared thinking how big their penises would be and how would I handle all three of them together. He will tear my pussy to pieces.

I immediately told Nisha that I am very scared. I can’t do all this. She said, oh friend, there is nothing to be afraid of. All four boys are good, no one will force them. Enjoying sex with love.

I said, “No friend, I will not do it with all four. I can get fucked by only one of these and will also pay Rs. 9000.”
Nisha said laughingly, “Okay, that means you have become a complete whore. Come on, I will talk to him and then come back.”
Now Nisha left me and started talking to those boys and I was watching them from a distance. After some time the boys smiled at me and I understood what Nisha had told them.

Then Nisha came to me and said that she was ready. The name of the boy in black shirt is Deepak, he will fuck you. After lunch time he will pick you up by car and book you a room in the hotel.
I said man I am scared. She said don’t be afraid, live like you used to live with your boyfriend.

After lunch time, Deepak came to the college gate with his car. I and Nisha were also standing near the gate. Nisha pushed me and signaled me to sit in the car and I shyly sat in the car. Then the car started moving. I was very scared inside. On the way, Deepak asked me about my well being and said there was no need to be afraid. Then he placed one of his hands on my thigh and started caressing my thigh.After many months, I felt the touch of a man and I too shuddered. When I looked at Deepak, he was a 6 feet tall young man. I was a little scared and also a little happy that today the fire in my pussy would be quenched. Then Deepak started pressing my thigh. Now I slowly started getting hot.

When I placed my hand on his hand, he pressed my hand hard and started caressing his thigh again. Now there was a fire inside me. Just then we reached the hotel. Deepak parked the car and brought the room key. As soon as I entered the room, Deepak pushed me close to the wall and placed both his hands on my waist and started kissing me on the cheeks.

I also started caressing her back with my hands. Then he lifted my chin with his hand and pressed his lips to mine. Now he was sucking my lips. Sometimes the upper lip and sometimes the lower lip. During this time, he took off my top and was stunned to see my boobs. When he started pressing my boobs over the bra, I told him “Wait….”
He said “What happened?”
I said, “Dear… give me the money first.”

He laughed and said, take it now. Saying this he transferred Rs 9000 to my account. Then he pounced back on my boobs. He opened my bra and now started licking one of my boobs with his lips. So he started pressing the other boob. Now I was enjoying a lot because today after a long time someone was pressing my boobs. Now I had started sobbing. Then he placed one of his fingers on my lips which I started sucking. Deepak was continuously sucking my boobs.Then he slowly came on my stomach and started kissing my navel. I was continuously pressing his head. And he was pressing my boobs with both his hands and kissing my navel.

Now I pulled her up by her hair and started opening the buttons of her shirt. Then he stood up and removed his pants also. Now I could see the big throbbing penis through his underwear. It was so big that it came out of my mouth. Now he also removed his underwear. Now his snake of about 7 inches was in front of me. I also got scared once. Then he said, don’t be afraid, I will do it easily. Then I touched his penis. And started moving back and forth.

Within a short time his penis took full shape. He moved his penis towards my mouth and I refused to suck it. He also did not use much force. Then he opened the buttons of my pant and removed it and started caressing my pussy over the panty.

By now a volcano had erupted inside me and I said I can’t bear it anymore, put it inside. He said wait. He also removed my panty and started caressing my pussy again. When I held his hand, he moved my hand aside and placed his mouth on my pussy. As soon as I felt the touch of his tongue on my pussy, my lust exploded and sexy sounds started coming out of my mouth.My hands were above his head. I was pressing his head. Now I was on cloud nine. I tried to stop him but he did not stop and I ejaculated on his face. I had never received so much spiritual happiness. I held his hair and took him over me and started kissing him and he also started kissing me.We kept kissing like this for a long time. Then he came down and took me up. Both his hands were on my ass. He was pressing my ass. He said, I have never seen such a soft ass.

I said now take a look baby. Then he said, become a mare, I want to lick your ass. Without wasting any time, I became a mare and he started licking my ass and caressing my pussy with one hand. Now I had started getting hot again and when he understood this, he slowly placed his penis on my pussy and pushed.Now suddenly my life went out and I started screaming. He closed my mouth with his hand. I was feeling a lot of pain after getting fucked after a long time. I told her to please do it slowly. Then he slowly started moving his penis back and forth. Then in one more stroke the entire penis was inserted into my pussy.

Tears started coming from my eyes. He said, there will be no more pain, now there will be fun. He remained lying on me like this for some time. Then slowly he started pushing. After some time I also started enjoying. I asked him to increase the speed and he increased the speed. Now I was enjoying a lot, he was fucking me with full force. Then he stopped and asked me to come down. Now my legs were on his shoulders and he was thrusting vigorously. I told him to take it easy, I am dying, but he did not listen to me and kept on hitting me.

Now my pussy was also on the verge of bursting. Then I pulled her towards me and started kissing her lips. Then my pussy ejaculated and he said, I am also about to ejaculate, I said, ejaculate on my stomach. He quickly took out his penis and released all his semen on my stomach. Then we gave each other a long kiss, took bath and came back to college.

So friends, I became a prostitute for money and after getting fucked by Deepak, I also got fucked by his 3 friends.

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